Balance: 67.56890617 ANTS
Already paid: 229.4787778 ANTS
About ANTS:
FireANTS blockchain is a new mindset and a gamechanging catalyst technology
Coin Stats: Coin Type: PoW/PoS Premine: 52,500,000,000 ANTS Supply: ANTS Total Supply: 210,000,000 ANTS
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: --- Block Count: 815771 Masternode Count: MN-Collateral: --- ANTS
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 204.30172012 ANTS in 3677 regular claims.
On top of that, 50 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 25.17705768 ANTS.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 229.4787778 ANTS.
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