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Balance: 0.199472 DEM
Already paid: 54.90085875 DEM
About DEM:
The Deutsche eMark (DEM) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that has been established since 2013. Like Bitcoin, it is based on the blockchain technology and new blocks are generated through mining technology. Participants of the network can generate staking rewards by holding DEM coins on the Core Wallet and unlock these coins to other network participants to validate transactions. The interest rate for proof of stake (POS) staking rewards is 3.8% per year.
Coin Stats: Coin Type: PoW/PoS Premine: 0 DEM Supply: 166591531.95559 DEM Total Supply: infinity DEM
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: 120s Block Count: 675936 Masternode Count: MN-Collateral: --- DEM
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 54.90085875 DEM in 10016 regular claims.
On top of that, 0 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 0.00000000 DEM.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 54.90085875 DEM.
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Your generous donations will help sustain the operations of this faucet.
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