- freco Faucet -

Balance: 77.82774113 freco

Already paid: 907.93926886 freco

About freco:

Freco is a meme coin with numerous tangible benefits and strong value. Unlike typical meme coins, Freco is designed to ensure it remains valuable for the long term and utilizes a decentralized system. The special thing about Freco is our engaging and practical mobile platform for users. Inside the mobile app, you'll discover a variety of coins, from the biggest ones to the smaller ones. This gives users flexibility for investing and trading. Additionally, the Freco app also rewards users through masternodes and staking.

Coin Stats:

Coin Type: MN/PoS
Premine: 0 freco
Supply: 3731122.63342 freco
Total Supply: 200,000.00 freco

Blockchain Stats:

Block Time: 60s
Block Count: 762993
Masternode Count: 104
MN-Collateral: 10,000.00 freco

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We have already paid out a total of 907.93926886 freco in 18160 regular claims.

On top of that, 0 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 0.00000000 freco.

The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 907.93926886 freco.

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Your generous donations will help sustain the operations of this faucet.

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