Balance: 5231.27794424 nMNSC
Already paid: 90.91826758 nMNSC
About nMNSC:
The main use case of nMNSC is to build a buyback program by investing in other PoS projects. It will be a closed loop and can be expanded at any time. It is important to emphasize that we believe in the principle of staking, MN and respect and want to work in symbiosis with other projects. This is the base. Also the community can create more usecases anytime and also the users can create their own usecases.
Coin Stats: Coin Type: PoS/MN Premine: 35,000,000.00 nMNSC Supply: 65302186.902267 nMNSC Total Supply: 160,000,000.00 nMNSC
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: 60s Block Count: 722744 Masternode Count: 179 MN-Collateral: 50,000.00 nMNSC
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 50.12258601 nMNSC in 20043 regular claims.
On top of that, 400 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 40.79568157 nMNSC.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 90.91826758 nMNSC.
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