Balance: 9088.00338976 NS
Already paid: 566.29789606 NS
About NS:
The meaning of NodeStats is, to get the information you need to be presented right away. No more browsing around to find the right information and no more using the calculator. There is a blockchain voting system, where we use the NS coin for voting on different things on the website. It could be a coin listing or a new feature. This is to give the users the option for influence on what they need on the website.
Coin Stats: Coin Type: MN/PoS Premine: 1,000,000.00 NS Supply: 29922662.727373 NS Total Supply: unlimited NS
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: 60s Block Count: 2041377 Masternode Count: 36 MN-Collateral: 100,000.00 NS
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 566.29789606 NS in 11200 regular claims.
On top of that, 0 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 0.00000000 NS.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 566.29789606 NS.
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