Balance: 3701200314.6306 POS
Already paid: 5145043.6099352 POS
About POS:
POSCoin is a newly invented blockchain infrastructure that does not require any traditional type of mining support, such as: POW or POS. We have created something called Proof of Signature which ensures that 100% of all blocks will be signed by the system when they occur. The blocks are signed by the network of Master Nodes after verifying the transactions in the block.
Coin Stats: Coin Type: PoS Premine: 2,500,000.00 POS Supply: 34802876682.745 POS Total Supply: Unlimited POS
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: 60s Block Count: 4589315 Masternode Count: MN-Collateral: --- POS
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 5145043.60993523 POS in 14738 regular claims.
On top of that, 0 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 0.00000000 POS.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 5145043.6099352 POS.
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