Balance: 2104.6312272 XP
Already paid: 195028.552518 XP
About XP:
eXperience Points (XP) is a combined rewards-based incentive and globally accepted 'high street' digital currency built onto a single blockchain, designed to compensate gamers and the wide spectrum of gaming communities as well as directly benefit those who contribute positively to society.
Coin Stats: Coin Type: PoS/MN Premine: 4,003,000,001.00 XP Supply: 6372622101 XP Total Supply: 20,000,000,000.00 XP
Blockchain Stats: Block Time: 60s Block Count: 2747872 Masternode Count: 95 MN-Collateral: 500,000.00 XP
Social Media: Website: Explorer: Wallet: Discord: Twitter:
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We have already paid out a total of 193295.08215642 XP in 25811 regular claims.
On top of that, 300 claims have enjoyed Bonus payouts,
receiving a total of 1733.47036158 XP.
The combined total payouts, including regular claims and bonuses,
amounts to 195028.552518 XP.
Join our Discord community to unlock exclusiv Promo Codes and be a part of our growing total payout.
Your generous donations will help sustain the operations of this faucet.
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